Friday, May 14, 2010

Two very creative fathers...

Hi there art lovers, long time no write. Who cares anyway if Mary Owens writes. Well, I do. I care a lot. I care, so I'm writing about painting, about my time left on this planet and how I spend it in my studio. I'd like it very much to one day have the time and resources to create a bunch of art and for others to see it. To add to the world of art so that when I'm gone there will be art left on this earth done by my hand and maybe someone will appreciate it. And maybe someone will even learn something from it, or expand there vision of art because of it, or even to know God through my art. Wouldn't that be something... Art created by humans is meant to be seen by humans. To be appreciated or not what does it matter really?  It is the act of creation itself that matters. The God given ability to produce a piece of art is holy. We were created in His image and given the power to create. This makes us 2nd generation creators. Chips off the old block if you will. The fact that I walked this earth and painted something, or sculpted something, or glue some stuff together to make a collage matters to me and to God.  He is enjoying what we create and watching how we use the free will He gave us. Why?  Because we are His creations and He desires it.

Unlike my earth father, Jack, who spent vast amounts of time in his studio, producing brilliant works for absolutely no one to see, I want that. I want my artwork to be seen.  Jack did his art for himself. To do anything for self alone is hollow.  To give your talent away is holy.  No matter what our talent is, we all posses a talent and we are meant to give not keep it locked away or buried in a closet like Jack did.  So, that is why I write stuff and post artwork from my hand.. to be seen by other humans. Already showed this one to God.

Here's my take on the late Jack Fletcher... hope you enjoy it too. Happy father's day early!


  1. I so agree with you, Mary. God created us with our gifts and talents for a purpose. We have treasures on the inside of us that are just waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. And I think it IS important that we share them with the world. We were created the way we are for a reason, not by chance, part of our purpose here on earth.

    I am so glad you are starting to share your talent with the world. It truly IS a treasure!

  2. Thank you Jet! I love your comments! Its like you finish my thoughts! Guess that means we are true friends. Lov Ya!
