Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getting down to business..

Hi art lovers!  I'm about to go on a journey. I wish it was to Israel! Israel is a destination on the top of my list and I'm told anyone who feels the holy lands pull should go and soon. As I contemplate my journey I'm listening to the video my son Matt is watching for the 50,000,000 time. "The Prince of Egypt." Its the story of Moses and the exile of the Hebrews out of bondage in Egypt for 400 some odd years. This amazing children's VHR (yes) VHR makes me cry every time. Maybe its because Matt loves it so much and watching him act out the parts is so wonderful to me. Matthew knows every song by heart and repeats every line almost perfectly. He came in this morning and said he needed to watch it... again. "I love Moses' words mom", what words I say? "Let my people go!" he yells, with his cute little hand pointing up to Heaven.  Matt is my special boy. He has an extra chromosome and a ton of charisma! Matthew's story is one I really need to tell... later.

Anyway, Heaven is where I spent most of last night. I was sitting in the Throne Room of God with godly sisters in Christ at my church. We approached our King in prayer over my new business. Our prayers rose up to Heaven like sweet incenses to the Creator of Everything and we sat in awe at the thought. I dedicated this new journey to God. It was exciting!

Why? Because I'm going to do it right this time. Asking God to be our CEO. Made to many mistakes in the past by jumping without asking God if it was the right thing to do.  He's in charge because the concept of business/commerce was His to begin with. So as I ponder our next move, (mine and my new wonderful parter) with God at the helm, it feels good. I'm peaceful. My path is straight ahead and my prayer is for wisdom. 

In Matt's movie Moses is just discovering his lineage and he is totally freaked out that he is not the son of a Pharaoh but of a slave.  He discovers later that in fact he is the son of THE KING and the task he is given to deliver his people is his path in life.  Moses is stepping out into the unknown with God at the helm. What a journey! I pray mine doesn't take 40 years!