Friday, November 20, 2009

Reflecting on simplicity

Hi art lovers... all 3 of you. It's been a long time since I've posted.

A lot has happened. I lost a dear friend and client and I have designed and painted another set. A very complicated one. I'll post a photo of the set soon. But, its been a emotional and wildly busy ride! My life has been way to complex. Adding a new set design to the mix of a full time business and a family has totally exhausted me. I know, set boundaries silly! Although, to me, overdoing it at times stretches me and grows my knowledge and I believe God will use that to bless me down the road to a growing art career. Set design is a versatile art venue. I know a lot more now about painting big, painting objects and painting fast. I'm sure it'll come in handy somewhere. The most wonderful news is I actually painted while on my recent vacation to the beach on Padre Island! First time to paint there! Off the balcony of the condo we normally rent all I could see was sky, ocean and sand. Three distinct stripes of color. As a primarily abstract artist I loved that challenge.  KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid! The weather was divine. The wind, normally raging, was only a breeze and the November sun was low in the sky. The funny thing is my acrylics were still wet almost 2 hours after applying my underpainting! Coastal humidly apparently makes acrylic act like oils. I didn't mind to much because I love oils. I think I'll call this small, simple composition, "Balcony View at the Beach". Catchy huh?  Simple was my mantra on this long awaited vacation. I hope that when you look at this painting you enjoy a simple moment of peace. The stress and pressure evaporated with every humid brush stroke. I'd like to paint this beach scene again because the beaches in Texas are endless, so I'd need an extremely loooong horizontal canvas and an extremely loooooooooooooooooo-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooong vacation to get horizontal.  later....