Hi art lovers!
Well, here it is. My first painting-a-day! I painted it one day and then that was it. At least I know I can! I think I'll start a fad called a-painting-somedays. Thank you Carol Marine for showing me how its done. I have studied her work for about 6 months now and I've learned so much from her blog, site and demos. I've read everything she wrote about painting technique and then did these apples. I also did some pears but didn't finish painting them because I had to take care of my son Matthew. On my wish list is an actual Carol Marine work shop somewhere in Central Texas.
I loved painting this. I call it "out casts" because I just threw them on the table and painted them where they landed. I did turn one up though. I wanted them to look like they were marching off to jump in a pie. I was hungry. I painted fast, working from a quick pencil sketch while squinting at my still life. I used evening sunlight. This is acrylic on a 12"x12" gallery wrapped canvas. I had to use acrylic because of time and my studio is in the living room at the moment. One day I will have a real studio again. Until then I paint to the sound of "Super Smash Brothers" as it pounds out from my sons Wii - RIGHT behind me - and folding clothes on the couch in between brush washings. Sounds romantic, huh?
I like this Mary, love the colors and the painting!! They do kinda look like they are marching to a pie! :D Darby